Although weak, D.L. is still able to push through the walls and effect an escape for himself and Niki.
The situation with Molly is diffused by compassion, and everyone drops their guns.
Despite his father’s objections, Hiro states that he must first save his friend.
In Isaac’s loft, Sylar paints and realizes something about Peter Petrelli.
Nathan’s mom brings him the news that Linderman is dead, but she also says that doesn’t change anything – the plan will go ahead.
Mohinder and Bennet argue about Molly’s fate. Matt interrupts to say that something is wrong with Molly.
Claire calls Bennet to tell him that Sylar killed Ted. Bennet now believes that Peter is the only one who can stop Sylar. Bennet promises to fix the tracking system soon and get Sylar’s location to Peter. Peter has arranged a meeting with Nathan, which disgusts Claire. While Nathan and Peter are talking, Claire gets away. While Peter is searching for her, his hands start to glow, and he passes out.
Bennet keeps pestering Mohinder to get Molly ‘…up and running’ so he can find Sylar. With a fresh transfusion, Molly is about to find Sylar, but first she mentions that there is one person she cannot find, a person even worse than Sylar – someone who, when she thinks of him, he can see her. Molly does find Sylar’s location – in Isaac’s loft – but when Bennet phones Claire, he gets Nathan’s mom instead. Bennet is able to talk to Claire, but she no longer knows where Peter is. Bennet tells Matt he must not take on Sylar with Peter.
Peter flashes back to the time when he was taking care of Simone’s father in pallative care. He watches Simone’s father tell his mother that Peter will be the one to save the world. His mother shares the knowledge that she knows about the bomb.
Ando arrives at Isaac’s loft, wielding his sword, and is quickly pinned to the wall by Sylar. Hiro arrives just in time to save his friend and teleport them away.
Niki searches for Micah and find him dead. She faces someone she believes to be Jessica, but of course it is Candice. Candice attacks Niki and is winning, but Niki finds the strength to triumph and rescue the real Micah.
Matt arrives at Isaac’s loft, gun drawn, and finds nothing there but paintings.
Claire cannot believe that Nathan will do nothing to stop the explosion. Nathan and his mom tempt Claire with family and survival, but she escapes by jumping out the window.
Molly says that Sylar is already ‘here’. Mohinder and Molly come across the unconscious body of D.L. as they make their escape. Mohinder stops to help while Molly keeps an eye out.
Hiro and Ando emerge at Yamagato Industries, where Hiro says he is ready to go back and defeat Sylar.
Simone’s dad tells Peter that Peter is the one who will save the world.
Micah fixes the lift, and he and Mohinder, Molly, D.L. and Niki escape just before the guards arrive.
Sylar arrives, pushes Bennet away, grabs Peter’s throat without touching him, and turns Matts bullets back around so that Matt has ‘shot himself’.
Niki whacks Sylar with a parking meter, then Hiro stabs Sylar. But Sylar flicks Hiro away. Peter’s hands begin to glow. Claire arrives, ready to shoot Peter, but at the last moment, Nathan flies in, ready to fly Peter to a safe place to explode (while sacrificing his life).
Outside Kyoto Japan, in 1671, Hiro crash-lands to the ground and is confronted by angry warriors ready to fire arrow at him. A solar eclipse temporarily distracts everyone…
This episode goes a long way in increasing how much I care about the success and survival of Niki, D.L., and Micah as a family.
Did Nathan have time to fly Peter to an isolated location (like in some desert), then leave him there alone until he explodes? Nathan possibly could have lived in that scenario. And why didn’t Peter simply absorb Nathan’s power and fly off on his own?
Memorable Moments
Peter, searching for Claire, stands alone on a deserted street, casting a long shadow (a comic book image if there ever was one)
Quotable Quotes
"Hiro, you look bad ass!"
- Ando
Peter: Thank you Mr Bennet.
Bennet: Call me Noah.
Sylar: Haven’t I killed you before?
Peter: Didn’t take.
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