Saturday, February 16, 2008

1.22 Landslide

Peter’s hands continue to glow, and as he is on the brink of exploding, Claire gets the gun ready. But just as she is about to make a move, Peter gains control again.

It is not only Hiro’s sword that was broken by Sylar; Hiro’s resolve is also in need of repair. For sword fixing, the optimistic Ando consults the Yellow Pages and find a sword handyman.

Claire convinces everyone that they need to stay together to save the world. Surely Claire can stop Ted and/or Peter from exploding – she has done it once before. As they makes their plans, Sylar watches, undetected, from close by.

Linderman promises Nathan that he will become a congressman, and one day be president, as long as he does nothing to stop the nuclear explosion. Linderman tells Nathan that Nathan’s father had great power, but when he could not change the world, he gave up. Linderman offers a ‘gift’ to Nathan’s wife. Soon after, her foot moves – she has been cured. She thinks it is a miracle, but Nathan knows better.

Hiro and Ando run into Nathan and appeal to him to help, sharing with him what a bad person Nathan will become in the future. Nathan refuses to help, and Hiro admonishes him by calling him a villain.

Niki and D.L. are also there, and they discuss getting forced access to Nathan so they can find out the location of Micah and Linderman.

Hiro and Ando present the broken sword to Clairmont, and ask if it can be fixed. Clairmont says it depends on someone else, as out from the back room emerges Hiro’s father. He says Hiro has come to the end of his journey. Hiro’s father wants to talk to Hiro alone. Ando insists that Hiro not be convinced to abandon his mission.

Micah tries to convince Candice that she should use her powers for good. Candice tells how Linderman is going to heal the world. Linderman arrives and promises Micah that if he does what he is told, not only will he be returned to his parents, but they will be given all the money they will ever need.

Tipped off by Sylar, Audrey is able to capture Ted, but Peter and Claire get away.

Rather than trying to convince Hiro to stop his quest, his father instead tells him he is ready to ascend, and that he will teach him. Whipping out a Samurai sword, Hiro’s father executes a series of lightning-fast, deft moves.

Candice takes Micah into a voting booth and asks him to use his powers to make votes for Nathan. Micah does it in a few seconds, making the election a landslide, then, tired, asks if he can go home. Even Candice looks sincerely concerned.

D.L. and Niki get into Nathan’s office and convince him to tell them where Linderman is.

Hiro and his dad continue their intense lessons, aided by the story of Kensai and the Dragon.

At the ground floor of an office building, Matt asks Bennet if there is any other way to stop the Walker system. Since there is not, Matt dupes the guard, and they get to the elevators. Matt spots D.L. and Niki, and after overhearing their plans, Bennet approaches them and suggests they band together.

Molly’s powers are returning. She demonstrates this to Mohinder by saying that Matt is in the building. Just as Mohinder asks her to find Sylar, Thompson comes in. Security has picked up the intruders, and Thompson is ready to helicopter Mohinder and Molly away before he takes out Bennet, but Bennet gets the jump on him and kills him instead.

Bennet always knew the tracking system was a person, but did not know he would have to kill a little girl. Mohinder stands in the way, as he will kill Bennet if Bennet kills Molly.

With a flip of his fingers, Sylar flips the armored car that carries Ted. Then he splits his brain.

Hiro has completed his training, and is now ready to kill Sylar. But Ando grew tired of waiting, bought a sword, and has set out to take on Sylar alone.

Peter and Claire come across the scene of Sylar’s murder of Ted.

D.L. and Niki confront Linderman. Linderman tries to convince Jessica to kill D.L. and take the money, but she refuses. When Linderman attempts to shoot her, D.L. jumps in front to take the bullet. Mortally wounded, he is still strong enough to reach into Linderman’s head and brutally kill him just before he was going to kill Niki.

At the election party, Nathan’s wife wants to stand up and dance, but Nathan convinces her to wait.

Sylar stands overlooking the city, igniting first one hand, then the other.


It’s always great to see the strong countenance of George Takei (Hiro’s dad).

Because Molly is a little girl, Bennet finds himself conflicted about how best to deal with the situation. It is no longer a clear-cut case of the greater good.

Memorable Moments

  • Bennet taking out Thompson

  • Sylar, overlooking the city, igniting his hands

Quotable Quotes

Peter: You comin’?
Ted: I’m in.
Sylar: Me too.

Hiro: I understand, father. To save what is most important, I must be strong enough…to cut out my heart.
Hiro’s father: Show me!

Matt: You sure there isn’t another way?
Bennet: The reason I brought you here, Parkman, was so that you could get us to those elevators without raising a ruckus. Now if you can’t do that, you might as well give up on your wife and unborn child right now because no matter how far you run, they will find you.
Matt: Okay! A simple no would have done the trick!

"Didn’t I throw you out a window?"
- Niki (to Matt)

Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?
Bennet: Your last thought!

"You have taught me well Father. Now that I can stop Sylar, Ando doesn’t have to die. He will be so relieved."
- Hiro to his dad

- Sylar (closing line)

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