Future Hiro reveals to Hiro and Ando that Sylar exploded, destroying New York City. Future Hiro explains that because Peter saved the cheerleader, Sylar never got her powers of regeneration, and he can be killed. Future Hiro failed in this attempt, because in his timeline, Sylar killed Claire, and when Hiro stabbed Sylar, he regenerated. Special agents from Homeland Security (including Matt and The Haitian) break in just as this meeting is ending, and Hiro is captured, while Ando and Future Hiro escape.
Future Hiro tells Ando that Hiro will be taken to a holding facility in New York (where all the ‘terrorists’ are taken). Future Hiro says the only way to get past The Haitian’s powers and rescue Hiro is to fetch the most powerful superhero – Peter Petrelli - from Las Vegas.
In Las Vegas, Future Hiro and Ando look for Peter by first tracking down his girlfriend, Niki/Jessica, who is doing a pole dance in lingerie. Niki doesn’t want to talk about Peter or Sylar, but she does mention that Bennet is still rustling cattle in Texas. With Future Hiro and Ando safely away, Peter rematerializes next to Niki and promises not to go off to fight with his buddies, even though today just happens to be the anniversary of the New York explosion.
Hiro tries to tell Matt that it’s all a misunderstanding, but paranoia from the Sylar explosion has turned Matt and many others into those who assume the worst first and then try to prove it. Matt is glad to have captured such a big name terrorist, as is his boss, Nathan, who plans to announce it in his next speech. And by the way...Matt addresses Nathan as ‘…Mr President.’
Nathan calls Mohinder into the oval office to ask him to investigate the new prisoner. He also shares dour news about an increase in attacks by those with superpowers, despite five years of research and billions of dollars spent trying to control these people. Nathan suggests a radical plan to solve the problem, a suggestion originally put forward by Mohinder – forced extinction of the species.
Matt beats on Hiro, but is interrupted when he finds out that Mohinder is at Isaac’s apartment, checking out the timeline. Matt meets and speaks with Mohinder there. Mohinder realizes the key is the cheerleader.
Future Hiro and Ando get to Bennet. He is still working for Primatech, but now he is helping to hide people with superpowers. Initially, he does not want to help Future Hiro, but is convinced when Ando tells him that Hiro saved Claire’s life (by time-traveling back and asking Peter to save Claire).
Claire is working as a waitress in Midland, Texas, where she has dyed her hair brown and is engaged to be married. Her recurring guest is back: the ‘guy with glasses’ (Bennet). Concerned for her safety, Bennet tells her to leave, but Claire is tired of running. As they speak, news of a major sweep and capture effort by Homeland Security plays on the television.
Future Hiro and Ando make their plans. Future Hiro is just about to tell Ando something important, presumably about the future, when Matt bursts in and stuns him with a special gun. Future and Ando are captured momentarily, but Peter arrives, freezes time, and facilitates their escape.
Matt may have once been a man with a conscience, but whaever happened to him has made him bitter and mean. He had entered into an arrangement with Bennet that allowed Bennet to protect the harmless super people, as long as he turned in the dangerous ones. But when Matt loses Future Hiro, he demands to know where Claire is. When the information is not forthcoming, Matt kills Bennet (although the shot is fired off-screen, so we just have to assume that for now).
Still at the diner, Claire asks Andy to elope, since she knows she can no longer stay. Andy agrees. When Claire turns back to the counter, one of her new customers is Matt, and he addresses her as ‘Claire’.
Mohinder discusses ‘save the cheerleader’ and Peter’s revelation about being visited by a time traveler with Hiro, and learns that Hiro is here to change the past and kill Sylar.
Peter reveals to Ando that Ando died in the New York explosion, and this is also when Hiro’s optimism died. Niki is not all that happy to see Peter and his new friends.
Mohinder tries to convince Nathan that Hiro can change the world by being helped to kill Sylar before the explosion, but Nathan wants to go ahead with his plan to eliminate all people with superpowers. Nathan’s plan is to lie and say that Mohinder has discovered a cure. The cure will kill, but the end justifies the means. Matt interrupts with the news that he has discovered two Hiros in the timeline and one Claire in Texas.
Claire waits in the Petrelli mansion in New Hampshire and is joined by Nathan. Claire makes a compelling argument about Nathan’s treatment of super people, but it falls on deaf ears – or, more accurately, the wrong ears. Because this mean-spirited Nathan is not Nathan at all. Sylar, having killed Candice, has absorbed her powers and taken the form of Nathan. As is his way, he dissects Claire.
Ando and Future Hiro reminisce about the good old days when Ando was alive.
Peter tells Niki that he was the bomb, not Sylar, and that Nathan lied to protect him. Peter must try to reverse it. Niki tells him if he leaves, to never come back.
As Nathan/Sylar makes his speech at the site of the New York explosion (which looks a lot like ground zero 9/11), Future Hiro, Peter, and Ando arrive at Homeland Security to free Hiro. As Nathan announces his faux plan to safely cure super people, Mohinder prepares a lethal injection for Hiro. But Mohinder injects the Haitian, which means super people’s powers can work. Enter Peter and Future Hiro. When Sylar hears of the failure, he immediately flies from the scene of his speech, despite the crowd, and pulls Peter from the room, and squares off against him. Hiro and Ando teleport away just in time, back to the present, where Hiro looks at what lies ahead of him – he still must kill Sylar.
The show makes a big step up early in this episode by finally explaining the true significance of ‘saving the cheerleader’. I also liked the tie-in to the real world. In this fantasy world, Peter’s explosion (similar to 9/11) has caused people to throw a wide net over the definition of ‘terrorist’.
Hiro and Ando are by far my favorite characters. They seem to get all the best lines, and they deliver them well. They also add some much needed humor to lighten the dour mood. .07% (the previous episode) excluded them until the very end, and it suffered because of that.
Peter may be all-powerful, but he casts a shadow on everything, with his angry countenance and his large facial scar.
Nathan’s personality seemed a little out of character, but not so much so that I ever suspected he was Sylar and that Sylar was still alive.
This is a fantastic episode, probably the best yet.
When Niki discourages Peter from going off with Future Hiro, perhaps Peter should argue that when someone can time travel, there’s no need to feel that there is no hope of fixing the past (apparently, Niki lost Micah in the explosion).
Memorable Moments
Quotable Quotes
Hiro: I look upset.
Ando: Go. Talk to yourself.
Hiro: No way! I scare me. You do it.
"You are like me…special. Why do you want to hurt other special people?"
- Hiro to Matt
Andy:You know Sandra, for a girl who hates the president, you sure do perk up whenener he comes on. A guy could get jealous.
Claire: He’s old enough to be my father.
Ando: Why are you so surprised to see me?
Peter: He didn’t tell you?
Ando: What?
Peter: You’re dead.
Ando: Is everything okay?
Peter: No…let’s go fix it.